Zortrax UV Resin - Flexible - 500ml - Transparent Yellow

Zortrax Zortrax

Fleksibel og modstandsdygtig

En elastisk resin, der er meget slagfast. Det giver glatte overflader, høj detaljegrad og skarpe kanter. Materialet kan bruges til fleksible dele eller beskyttelseshylstre.

  • Beholder: flaske
  • Nettovægt: 500 ml ± 5 %
  • Bølgelængde: 405 nm

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Zortrax Resin FLEXIBLE is an elastic, epoxy-based resin which is highly impact resistant. Offers smooth surfaces, high level of detail, and sharp edges. Its shore hardness stands at 60 D and its elongation and break amounts to 19%. Low shrinkage and short curing times make Zortrax Resin FLEXIBLE easy to 3D print with as the models come out just right on default settings.

This resin is perfect for precise, flexible parts, and models with softer surfaces. As all Zortrax resins, it has not been classified as carcinogenic under EU legislation and IARC criteria, so it is safe to print with when used in accordance with our safety instructions. Zortrax Resin FLEXIBLE can be cured by UV light with 405 nm wavelength.


  • Flexible parts
  • Soft surfaces
  • Impact-resistant models
  • Molds
  • Protective cases

Main Features:

  • Flexible
  • Safe to use
  • Impact resistant


Zortrax Resin FLEXIBLE's elongation at break is 19% which makes it perfect for elastic parts and models with relatively soft surfaces
Zortrax Resin FLEXIBLE has not been classified as carcinogenic under EU legislation and IARC criteria, so it is safe to print with when used in accordance with our safety instructions.
Impact resistance
Elasticity makes Zortrax Resin FLEXIBLE particularly resistant to impacts as models can bend and bounce back instead of breaking.

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Zortrax UV Resin - Flexible - 500ml - Transparent Yellow

Zortrax UV Resin - Flexible - 500ml - Transparent Yellow

Fleksibel og modstandsdygtig

En elastisk resin, der er meget slagfast. Det giver glatte overflader, høj detaljegrad og skarpe kanter. Materialet kan bruges til fleksible dele eller beskyttelseshylstre.

  • Beholder: flaske
  • Nettovægt: 500 ml ± 5 %
  • Bølgelængde: 405 nm

Skriv bedømmelse

Dedicated for Container Netto Weight Wavelenght
Zortrax Inkspire bottle 500 ml ± 5% 405 nm
Key Properties Metric Imperial Test Method
Shore hardness 60 D 60 D  ISO 7619-1
Elongation at break 19% 19% DIN EN ISO 527-1
Shrinkage ca. 2% +/- 1% ca. 2% +/- 1% ISO 2577