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Efter næsten 2 års udvikling kommer xTool P2 med mange nye funktioner, der viser et imponerende niveau af innovation og intelligens, hvilket giver brugerne en banebrydende oplevelse. Med sin høje hastighed, høje effekt og store størrelse byder xTool dig velkommen til CO2-laserrevolutionen i verdensklasse!
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After nearly 2 years of development, xTool P2 comes out with many new features that showcase an impressive level of innovation and intelligence, bringing users a cutting-edge experience.
With high-accuracy live preview and auto-focus features, you can easily drag your drawings to the right place you want. Everyone can master xTool P2 in minutes.
Panoramic camera provides a live preview and facilitates easy positioning by taking a whole picture of the working space in three seconds. What you see is what you get.
xTool P2 has a powerful 55W laser tube that makes it achievable to cut 18mm black walnut and 20mm acrylic in one pass. CO2 laser has ultra-high absorption efficiency on wood and acrylic. P2 can cut 3mm basswood at the speed of 35mm/s , which is 6 times faster than a 20W diode laser.
xTool P2 provides a large bed size, the dimension is 26"×14" (680*360mm). The processing area is 23.6''×12.1'' (600*308mm).
It only takes a few accessories to get a more versatile P2 and unlimited possibilities. The machine itself supports processing on objects up to 71mm thick. Risers: With the riser base, it can be up to the thickest of 215mm. So users can easily customize their suitcase. Rotary Engraving: Compatible with RA2 Pro, the 4-in-1 rotary attachment. xTool P2 unleashes your creativity on tumblers, mugs, spheres and rings.