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Har du problemer med vridning ved 3D-print? Så er MAGIGOO en letanvendelig 3D-printklæbestof designet til at løse problemet med det første ikke-klæbende lag (vridning). Dette er det mest almindelige problem i 3D-print til fremstilling med FFF/FDM-teknologi.
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WHAT: MAGIGOO PP is designed for professional use, to work exclusively with polypropylene filaments. The part should be relatively easy to remove once it cools and the glue residue should also be easily cleaned off if the included procedure is followed.
Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic semi-crystalline polymer exhibiting properties of good impact resistance and ductility. It also has a relatively non-polar molecular structure which makes it chemical resistant and thus ideal for use in food packaging and medical equipment. It is in fact well known in the adhesive industry that it is difficult to adhere polyolefin materials to other types of materials. This combined by the partial crystallinity makes it an especially hard material to print with. Magigoo PP solves this issue and provides additional convenience for use in FDM 3D Printing.
MAGIGOO PP has been designed and tested to work with different PP filament brands.
This adhesive is for professional use. Contact with eyes causes serious eye damage, Wash hands and exposed skin thoroughly after handling.
For larger prints a 20 mm brim with multiple layers is recommended
In cases of excess adhesion, it is recommended to wet print bed with a small amount of water slowly work it below the part, this should make part removal easier