Original Slice Engineering Copperhead™ Raise3D Pro2 Upgrade Bundle

Slice Engineering Slice Engineering

Det er tid til at låse op for den fulde kraft af din Raise3D Pro2 med den allestedsnærværende Copperhead®. Vi har opbygget et ry for at udstyre 3D-printere med komponenter af høj kvalitet, der forbedrer ydeevnen drastisk. Resultatet er mindre nedetid, mindre spild af filament på mislykkede udskrifter, mindre manipulation, øget gennemløb og højere opløsning.

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2 195,00 DKK

inkl. moms

The Raise3D Pro2 Upgrade Bundle is more than just a streamlined all-in-one solution for the common problems facing PRO2 users, it's the next step in your additive manufacturing evolution. Get back to just pressing print and watching your dreams become a reality.

Compatible Printers:
  • Raise3D Pro2
  • Raise3D Pro2 Plus

Bundle includes:


  1. Temperature Limitations: Although the Copperhead is rated up to 450 °C, the Raise3D Pro2 printer is limited to 300 °C by its firmware. Unfortunately, there is no workaround to this at this time.
  2. Installation Instructions: Installation instructions for upgrading your Raise3D Pro2 3D Printer with this bundle can be found here.
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